Best Core Workout For Beginners

Core Workouts improve and strengthen the core muscles and the abdominal muscles. They also give strength to muscles in the back and the pelvis. Core workouts are essential to perform many physical tasks easily. You can do these exercises on a mat.

 During each workout remember to breathe in deeply. You must concentrate on making your transverses abdominal taut. This is an important factor to he noted. Being physically fit is a must for everyone nowadays.

Core workouts play a major role in helping us to stay healthy.Let us have a look at a step wise procedure in performing some of the core workouts listed below:We have the Static abs workout, abs scissors, T-circle and the reverse circle core workouts are given below to be followed one after the other:

Step 1: In this workout you need go lie down on your back on a yoga mat. Relax your shoulders and place your hands under the hips.

Step 2: Once you are ready, lift your feet off the ground without straining your neck. Hold this position for a few seconds without holding your breath.

Step 3: Now gently start pumping them up and down for about 20 counts. You can feel the strain in your lower abs during this movement. This brings us to the end of the static abs exercise.

Step 4: Once you have finished pumping your legs up and down for 20 counts, while exhaling lift the legs up pointing towards the ceiling. See to it that you do not lift the hips off the ground during this process.

Step 5: Now slowly bring the legs down to the floor by inhaling. Continue doing this for 20 counts. With this we come to the end of the abs scissors workout.

Step 6: Now with your legs facing the ceiling, open them as wide as possible and make a big circle. Bring your legs as down as you can and again lift the legs up to the ceiling. Repeat for a few counts. This brings us to the end of the T-Circle workout.

Step 7: Now lying down in the same position, Rotate you legs from the bottom towards the ceiling making a circle. This would resemble a reverse circle.

Step 8: open the legs as wide as you can and bring it to the top and then bring your legs down. Repeat this process for a few counts and then bring your legs together slightly off the floor.

Step 9: Keep the legs straight for a few seconds while breathing in and out. Now relax and stretch your hands over your head and point your toes towards the floor. Stay in this position for a few seconds. This brings us to the end of the reverse circle workout.

Given below are some valuable benefits of these core workouts. Please go through them to learn more:

1. Tighten abdominal region: They tighten the abdominal muscles which are involved during movement. They also aid in transferring power to and from the limbs.

2. Muscle efficiency: These workouts help the muscles to work efficiently together.

3. Protects body form injuries: By doing these exercises regularly, our muscles get stronger and we are less prone to injuries.

4. Torso stability: The torso is an important part of the body. Core workouts enhance the stability of the torso as well.

5. Healthy lungs: These exercises rapidly improve the functioning of the lungs too. Hence the respiratory system becomes stronger.

6. Corrects posture: They also improve the spine and posture while the body is either motionless or active.

7. Flat abs: Constant exercises tighten a flabby tummy, making it appear flat as well.So why don't we try out these Core Workouts to improve and enhance physical and mental stability? I think it's worth a try!

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